
Welcome to Mt. Joy Covenant Brethren Church's Website!
Here you will find more information on who we are and Who we are about. Continue to check back to find out the latest announcements of what is going on or coming up in the life of our fellowship.
Our service times are found below. We would love to have you join us one Sunday morning, evening, or Wednesday night!
Sunday School for All Ages-9:45 AM
Sunday Morning Worship Service-10:45 AM
Sunday Evening Topical Study-7:00 PM (Currently on Hold!)
Wednesday Midweek Bible Study-11:00 AM (Note new time!)
April 6-9-Revival/Renewal Services with Brother Eric Brubaker from the Middle Creek Church in Lititz, PA. He will be ministering to us during our regular morning worship service at 10:45 AM Sunday morning and continuing that evening through Wednesday at 7:00 PM. There will be special music at these services. Come join us as we seek to be renewed and refreshed by God's Word through Brother Eric's preaching.
April 13-Love Feast, Footwashing, and Communion service at 3:00 PM.
April 16-Mt. Pleasant Ministerium Lenten Gathering Luncheon at 12:00 PM with our own Pastor Lee preaching at it. Come to the Mt. Pleasant Church of God Recreation building for an inspirational service and message with a light meal to follow as we set our faces toward the cross to focus on the salvation we have in Christ alone!
April 18-Good Friday Service at 7:00 PM.
April 20-Easter Sonrise Service at 6:30 AM with Brother John Blackburn preaching followed by breakfast as we celebrate Christ's resurrection and the difference that forever makes for our lives.
April 27-Spring Congregational Business Meeting. Immediately following the service, we will be having a carry-in meal with the meeting set to begin at 1:15 PM. This is a time to be informed with things going on in our congregation as well as to discuss any ideas you have for how we can better grow together, serve one another, and reach the community with the gospel. All members are expected to attend and nonmembers welcome. Only members are allowed to vote on any decisions which are made at these meetings.
Contact Information
Mt. Joy Covenant Brethren Church
Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania 15666