Mt. Joy Covenant Brethren Church is a body of repentant believers called together by Christ and committed to His Word with a love for Christ and in turn each other. We take the Bible very seriously, viewing it as God's inspired (originating from Him and not the mind of any man), inerrant (being without error in all that it claims), infallible (meaning it cannot fail), and authoritative Word in all matters of our faith and practice. As such, Scripture directs us in how we view ourselves and what we do here.
The high point of our week is our time of worship together every Sunday morning where the Word of God is read, prayed, sung, preached, and shown with the practice of baptism and communion. You will find us singing both old and newer hymns which are theologically rich and communicate our great salvation found in Christ alone moving our hearts to worship Him in spirit and truth. There are opportunities for those in the congregation to minister to us through using their gifts with a special in the service each week. Also, an offering is taken up for us to express our gratitude for God's gracious provision and to be used for the further work of His kingdom through us here at Mt. Joy.
There really is only so much you can learn about our faith family by perusing through this website. If you really desire to know more about us, we invite you to join our faith family for worship one Sunday morning at 10:45 AM. That way you can meet us and see our love for the Lord and each other firsthand as we center ourselves on Christ and seek to worship Him for Who He is and all that He has done for us. We hope to see you there and meet you as well!